Happy children make excellent progress
No matter if they’re in the Early Years, Lower or Upper School, there is nothing more important than the happiness and wellbeing of the children in our care.
This is our highest priority and all staff are responsible for ensuring that our pupils can learn in a happy and inclusive environment.
Pastoral Care
A holistic approach to pupil development
Maintaining pupils’ wellbeing is important to their development and ensures they’re in the right mindset to get the most out of their time at school. Our pupils take part in activities such as yoga to calm their mind and keep the pressure off.
All year groups have access to a multi-sensory wellbeing room which is calming and relaxing and is often used for group sessions. We also offer a superior Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum, helping children understand how to keep safe and healthy as well as preparing them for life after education.
Join us on a personal tour of the School
We would be delighted to invite you to our wonderful school and share with you what makes Oxford House School the best educational start you can give your child.
Building confidence and well-being through a balanced curriculum
Our curriculum ensures a balance between the academics and the arts, promoting wellness and character development. Specialist subject leaders nurture pupils to feel securely confident to take risks and build resilience, for example by taking on lead solo singing roles, competing in sporting events and competitions, sitting exams, embracing new genres of dance, breaking down stereotypes and celebrating diversity.
Our Wellbeing and Diversity Ambassadors lead 5 minutes of mindfulness activities every day, which ensures we take the time to make wellbeing a priority.